Thursday, September 11, 2014


A little poem I wrote called 


 It's a calm, clear, bright and windy night.

Nothing seems wrong, it all seems so right.

Around the world, there is plenty of fear.

But not in America, there is none of that here.

Land of the free, home of the brave

Number one in the world

The one who guards and who saves.

For freedom we fight, in the darkness a light

Dying for strangers, by day and by night.

 Now some disagree by the way that we live

For freedom is a thing, that they simply don't give.

Rules and stipulations on women and child

Harsh and horrid punishments, ever so wild.

Religion is no choice, jihad or death

All convert now, or else, final rest.

These very ideals, are the ones that we fight.

The very ideals, made to cause so much fright,

They were played out that morning, in the form of a flight.

 That fateful morning, on September Eleven

The country was changed, many saw heaven.

It shook us, and took us, to a fearful state

"This can not be happening",  "this can't be our fate".

Now we must rise up and rebuild, our United States.

 Many had died, many gave all,

For those in the towers, that once stood so tall.

The point I want to get, is simple and true.

For those of 9/11

We Will Never Forget You.